30 Jan 2024 / Event
Workshop Latin America – Europe: Cooperation opportunities for a more sustainable raw materials industry
30th of January - 1st of February 2024 08:30 - 16:30 Hybrid or Brasil
On the 30th of January until the 1st of February the AlsiCal project case will be presented in a workshop. This workshop is organized by the Association of Iberoamerican Geological and Mining Surveys (ASGMI) with the support of PNO, IFE and the Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM-SGB). The main objective is to establish a dialogue among different social actors (industry, research, governance, and communities) that allows for obtaining answers to meet the growing demand for Aluminum as a result of the energy transition, in a sustainable manner while maintaining the industry’s competitiveness and profitability, as well as social acceptance.
The workshop will also increase awareness of EU AlSiCal proposed technology for the co-production of 3 key raw materials (alumina, silica and precipitated calcium carbonate) with negative CO2 emissions and zero-waste, highlighting its main achievements and way forward.
Goals of the event
- Discuss different perspectives related to sustainability, stewardship, R&D situation and needs in the raw materials industry, with focus on alumina production, as well as challenges and roadmap for aluminium as a critical raw material for the green transition.
- To provide an overview of new technologies, innovations, and challenges related to the aluminum and other metals industries throughout their value chain, encompassing social acceptance of mining activities, extraction processes, and transformation of the mineral into its final products.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820911 - Position AlSiCal technology as a supplementary route to the existing alumina and aluminium value chain. We will address the challenges of turning an unexploited ore (anorthosite) into a sustainable resource for the alternative alumina production and boost symbiotic value chains.
- Foster future synergies with governance, academia and industry.
The Workshop is freely accessible. Only registered participants will have access to the workshop and the informative material. This event will be organised in a hybrid format.
Online Attendance: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gER7ZQWcS1uMfsPrld-XCQ